No teach, no pay: Manetiva

THE Central Provincial (CP) Premier Stanley Manetiva has called on all CP teachers to return to their respective schools and to begin classes immediately. Schools in CP have been reported to not begin classes since the starting of the academic calendar for this year, 2021. In an interview with this paper, Manetiva said teachers should…


Six local fishermen detained after coming in contact with relatives   SIX local fishermen have been detained and placed in the quarantine center in the Shortlands after coming in direct contact with their traditional relatives from Bougainville this week. As a result, security has been beefed up at the border.  An initial report said the…

Auditor denies supplying info to Ngati 

COUNCILLOR Reginald Ngati for Vura ward fails to provide the right information to the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) when he revealed that the Honiara City Council Clerk received a payment of $53,000 for writing a report in response to the Special Investigative Audit Report. Ngati in his closing remarks when he appeared before PAC on…


SIG thankful to JICA for support The Solomon Islands Government (SIG) has signed a loan agreement of about SBD190M with the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) in Honiara on Wednesday. Minister of Finance and Treasury Harry Kuma signed the deal on behalf of the government. The concessional loan is purposely to assist the work on…


HONIARA City Lord Mayor and Councilor Wilson Mamae had vowed to clean up the mess and fix the Honiara City Council Office. He made this profound sentiment after he appeared before the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) yesterday. A number of concerns and issues were raised by PAC on the outcome of the Special Investigative Audit…

PM welcomes new PNG envoy 

PAPUA New Guinea’s new high commissioner to Solomon Islands H.E Moses Kaul has paid a courtesy visit to Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare, Wednesday. Prime Minister Sogavare in his brief remarks has welcomed the new PNG envoy to the Solomon Islands. “Welcome to the happy isles,” the Prime Minister said. The Prime Minister said Papua New…