Meeting to deal with Rhinoceros beetle today

A meeting in Honiara brought together Government, private sector and international participants to develop a clean-up plan to manage Coconut Rhinoceros Beetle (CRB).   The Acting Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAL), Oswald Ramo, led the meeting and said; “Over the last four years, 90% of the palms in the Honiara area…

Woman arrested for assaulting in-law

A 30-year-old woman has been arrested and charged for allegedly assaulting her 62-year-old mother-in- law at Halavo Village, in Big Ngella, Central Province last Tuesday, 10 July 2018. Provincial Police Commander (PPC), Central Province Superintendent Patricia Leta said, “The victim is currently admitted at the Tulagi Hospital with swollen ribs, hands and face.” PPC Leta…

Parliament resumes today

The 7th meeting of this 10th Parliament which was adjourned on Monday 9th April 2018 will resume today the 18th of July 2018. As stated in the Provisional Order Paper (POP). Parliament will begin with the Administration of Oaths, whereby, Hon. Lanelle Olandrea Tanangada will swear into office as the new MP for Gizo/ Kolombangara…

Taiwan donates medical supplies

THE Taiwanese government on Tuesday stepped in to donate medical supplies worth SBD$80,000 to the National Referral Hospital (NRH). This was part of its quick response to the current drug situation which, is said to be in short supply at the country’s main hospital in Honiara. As a faithful developing partner in health sector, the…

Dalipanda: We don’t run out of funds

THE Permanent Secretary (PS) for the Ministry of Health and Medical Services (MHMS) has assured the general public that his ministry has not run out of funds as some people might speculate. Doctor Tenneth Dalipanda, made the statement on Sunday at the press conference after the Prime Minister Rick Hou has called for an urgent…

SICCI concern over medication shortage

The Solomon Islands Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SICCI) has expressed grave concerns over the medication shortage the country is facing that have reportedly led to mix up of medication as nurses and doctors work their best to substitute commonly used drugs for patient treatment. SICCI urges the Government and the Ministry of Health and…

Seven drivers arrested

Police Traffic Officers in Honiara have made several arrests over the weekend, on the capital’s roads. Seven drivers have been arrested, for different traffic offenses altogether.  “Three people were charged for careless driving, two charged for drunken driving, one charged for driving an unlicensed motor vehicle and one for reckless and dangerous driving.  “Those charged…


SINPF to purchase Auki plaza By BIRA’AU WILSON SAENIIn Auki  THE Solomon Islands National Provident Fund (SINPF) will soon own the controversial Auki Plaza, in Malaita province for SBD3.5 million, following an auction deal. This was confirmed to the Solomon Star, by the Premier of Malaita province, Peter Ramohia. Yesterday, the premier and the SINPF…

Garo on FPA enactment

The 2018 Women of Courage Award recipient, Emma Garo, says the intentions of the Family Protection Act (FPA) 2014 to safeguard and protect victims of domestic violence is good but the question is whether or not the Act is achieving its lofty goals? She was speaking last week after receiving her award. Ms Garo said…