HCC clarifies licenses hike for Casinos  Pacific Casino refuses to pay up By ANDREW FANASIA SUPREME Casino refused to pay $100,000.00 Casino Business License to the Honiara City Council after the fee was increased $100,000 from $50,000. Honiara City Clerk Rence Sore told Solomon Star yesterday. He pointed out that Business License for Casino increased…

Maelanga hails Australia as SI’s key partner

DEPUTY Prime Minister Manasseh Maelanga has acknowledged Australia as Solomon Islands’ key strategic development partner. He stated Australia’s support focuses on key priority areas in the country’s nation building, and work in partnership with Solomon Islands to enhance development, sustain peace, security and stability.  Speaking during his remarks to celebrate Australia Day last night,  Maelanga…

Gender equality explained

THE concept of gender equality has been misinterpreted by many Solomon Islanders. That’s according to the Ministry of Women’s Youth, Churches and Family Affairs (MWYCFA) Senior Officer Vaela Ngai. “Many rural people and even some of the educated people think gender equality is about putting women equal with men folks,” Ngai said. “But such misunderstanding…

Local students survive blaze

TWO local students studying at the University of South Pacific (USP) Campus at Laucala, Suva, have survived a blaze on Tuesday night which killed an elderly couple. Dead are Kuar Singh, 79, a retired director of Niranjans Autoport and his wife Ambalika Singh, 74. The Solomon Islands students were tenants Margaret Konata and Sharon Horioa,…

Mangau: Janus still exists 

ACTING Police Commissioner Mostyn Mangau says anti-corruption taskforce Janus still exists and continuing with investigations into corruption cases. He stated this on Thursday when asked whether Janus is still active in 2020.  “Janus is one normal unit under the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF),” Mr Mangau told reporters at his weekly press conference yesterday.…


Province urged to control foreign businesses in Auki By SOLOMON LOFANAin Auki  LOCAL business owners in Malaita want their provincial government to control the influx of Chinese business operators into the province. The call came from a business summit held in Auki, Wednesday. Civil society group Malaita for Democracy (M4D) organised the one-day summit. Up…

Ministry of Health prepares for Coronavirus

The Ministry of Health and Medical Services (MHMS) is taking proactive action to prevent possible importation of novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) in Solomon Islands, with measures being strengthened at the airport and ports, increased surveillance of influenza like-illness in the Country and at points of entry and information for travelers entering and leaving the country, among…