Sagalu ward elects paramount chief

THE Sagalu ward house of chiefs in North West Guadalcanal has elected their new paramount chief this week to look after the communities. He was Raymond Kapini who replaces Anthony Limanisara who finished his term. Newly elected chief Kapini said that he is happy with the result and hope to carry on from where the…

New SPREP Office opens in Suva

SUVA, (FIJIAN GOVT) – Fijian Minister for Foreign Affairs RatuInoke Kubuabola opened the new Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) Office in Suva Tuesday. Fiji has been a valued SPREP member since it’s formation as an independent regional organisation. This office hosts the Pacific Ecosystem-based Adaptation to Climate Change (PEBACC) project which focusses…


We lead the Pacific in reforms SOLOMON Islands is one of the leading reformers in the Pacific. Paul Holden, Lead Economist & Team Leader of Pacific Private Sector Development Initiative (PSDI), highlighted this in Honiara, Tuesday. Dr Holden said this has resulted in growth for a period of 10 years of more than 3 percent.…

Residents want active police presence

RESIDENTS of Lau Valley community in east Honiara are supporting other nearby communities on the call for more active police participation in their community. Speaking to the Solomon Star on Tuesday, community elder Peter Wale said there is a serious need for police to step up its operations within the communities on the outskirts of…

Asbestos warning for Gizo residents

PEOPLE living in Gizo, Western Province have been warned of the danger of inhaling asbestos from the burnt old Gizo hospital complex. In a statement from the health authority in Gizo this week, the call was made following the burning of the facility on Friday last week. Asbestos is a highly toxic chemical that can…

PM meets our students in Taiwan

PRIME Minister Manasseh Sogavare and his high level delegation on Monday met with the local students studying in Taiwan. Reports reaching the paper said, during the brief meet Mr Sogavare encouraged the students to continue pursue their dreams to help develop the country upon their return. One of the local students Selo Akutu told the…

Rental rates for city homes soars

WITH the current high cost of living in Honiara city, the rental rates for houses is also soaring rapidly, concerned people in the country’s workforce has stated. While the cause of the increasing rental rates is unknown and can only be clarified by the landlords, this issue is always the talk of the town on…