Malaitans urged to vote wisely

Malaitans are urged to come out and vote in next month’s provincial election. Caretaker premier Edwin Suibaea made the call as the province prepares to go to the polls on December 10. “Malaita Province needs quality leaders,” Suibaea said. “Please come out and choose wisely so that our province could have the right leaders,” he…

Three women to contest Malaita elections

Three female candidates will contest the Malaita Provincial elections on December 10. They are Mary Fa’alimae and Martha Ruai for ward one Auki, and Rose Komina for ward 10 in Lau Mbaelelea. A four female candidate, Susan Foukona, was disqualified after she failed to resign from her public service job. Returning Officer Thomas Puahakeni confirmed…

Kastom Garden promotes back yard farming

Kastom Garden Association (KGA) is continuing its efforts to reduce the negative effects of climate change of farming in the country. The non-government organisation was part of a delegation that visited Temotu Province recently under the Pacific Adaptation to Climate Change (PACC) programme. KGA centre supervisor Severino Lausao said PACC had helped Kastom Garden to…

Call to support agriculture sector

Newly elected MPs are urged to support the nation’s agriculture sector. The call comes from two organic farmers Johnson Ladota and George Kwaifii. Ladota is a promoter of organic farming with Kastom garden and Zae Na Tina organic farm in east Honiara.  “Agriculture is the backbone of the economy of any nation,” he said. “It…

MSG thanks Vanuatu police

The Officer-in-Charge of the Melanesian Spearhead Group Secretariat in Port Vila, Jean Pierre Nirua thanked the Acting Vanuatu Police Commissioner, Major Aru Maralau and his senior ranking officers and the Government and People of Vanuatu for spearheading consultations on key outcomes of the MSG Police Commissioner’s Conference. The one-day consultation by Vanuatu is being held…

New Government formed

A NEW government has been formed. Four political parties have agreed last night to form a coalition to run the next government. Leaders of the Solomon Islands Party for Rural Advancement (SIPRA), Democratic Alliance Party (DAP), Solomon Islands People First Party (SIPFP) and the Peoples’ Alliance Party (PAP) also approved a Coalition Agreement. The agreement…

Satu to contest city elections

OUTSPOKEN chief of Fishing Village, Robert Satu has made his intension known of contesting next month’s Honiara City Council elections. Mr Satu who is no stranger to both the local and international media limelight, will be contesting the Vura ward. Speaking to this paper yesterday, Mr Satu said that it has been too long that…