Peseika hits out at Tango claims

RENBEL premier Johnstone Timothy Peseika has called on ousted premier Lence Tango to stop trying to use national institutions and national leaders in a “foolish attempt” to hang on to power. In a statement, Mr Peseika said he was disturbed by claims Mr Tango made in public meetings he is holding in Renbel that the…

Tango refutes reports

OUSTED Renbel premier Lence Tango has rejected reports claiming his current trip to the province is being backed by national leaders. He said he never mentioned in his meetings with the people of Renbel that his current trip to the province is being backed by the prime minister, his deputy, provincial government minister, and the…

Telekom launches 11th tower in Malaita

BETHEL community in East Fataleka, Malaita Province, is the latest community to “feel the breeze” after Our Telekom launched its 11th mobile phone tower, Monday. Our Telekom’s security officer at Bethel George Geo said that the day was fun-filled as people enjoyed themselves. There were sports activities organised by Our Telekom for the communities to…

Training explains gender

PARTICIPANTS of training on Transformative Leadership, Media, Gender and Elections have learned the definition of gender. The training which started on Monday was aimed at realising enhancing women participation at all fronts in a society. The training highlighted that gender is a social or cultural construct which results in the behavioural characteristics assigned to men…

Business reporters reminded of their role

Regional business/economic reporters have been reminded of their important role in accurately reporting on business and investment stories in their countries. Mathieu Robbins, who has worked for two of the world’s top financial news services, Reuters and Bloomberg, stressed the importance of business journalists on Monday at day one of the training. He said regional…

Call to urgently resolve flight impasse

THE unresolved current flight impasse affecting air services between Fiji and Solomon Islands over the past six weeks is costly and must be resolved soon prompting calls for urgent dialogue. Dr Transform Aqorau who heads the Parties to the Nauru Agreement (PNA) based in Majuro in Marshall Islands in an interview with the Solomon Star…